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Minimalistiska sittplatser i vardagsrummet

Behöver du hjälp med att skapa ett unikt hem? 


Behöver du nya ideér? Eller vill du bara fräscha upp med lite ny inredning. Eller kanske en total makeover? 


Vi kan hjälpa dig med alla dina inredningsfunderingar, oavsett om du bara behöver ett bollplank för dina ideér eller hjälp med en komplett inredning.  Vi tar självklart hänsyn till din budget, och anpassar all inredning efter den. 

Vi arbetar främsttskräddarsydda lösningar på inredning och ombyggnation för privata bostäder. 


Vi planerar för renovering av kök och badrum. Som ett resultat av designen får kunden planritningar, färgkartor, 2D- och 3D-ritningar med produktinformation. Designkonsultation ger dig vägledning av material, färger, idéer, inspiration och inredning.


We make  plans for kitchen and bathroom renovations. As a result of the design, the customer receives floor plans, color maps, 2D and 3D drawings with product information. Design consultation gives you guidance of materials, colors, ideas, inspiration and interior design.


You can choose to do the work yourself on the basis of the proposal with sketches and drawings for decoration, color, fabrics, wallpaper, furniture, prices and retailers. Or let our team of talented designers take care of everything, the purchase, all craftsmen’s work and the furnishing.




Many of our customers live here on the coast during holiday time, but need to get drawings and design plans even if they are not here, or those of our customers who want us to make a design plan and drawing for their project elsewhere.

We have previously  sporadicly  offered our E-design  to customers in Spain and the Nordic countries, but now due to greater demand for these services, we can now include E-design in our regular range of services. 


Through email , phone and/or video, the team at Silander & Holst will work with you to achieve a stylish interior environment. We are available to provide a complete shopping list or simply offer inspirational ideas for you to shop on your own. All you need is a computer to access  Silander & Holst E-Design services.

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